Why Ruhuna MBM

The Ruhuna MBM is developed to comply with the SLQF Level 9 of the Sri Lanka Qualifications Framework. Accordingly, the students who successfully complete the Ruhuna MBM shall be able to achieve the SLQF Level 9.

The prime objective of the Ruhuna MBM is to prepare the candidates of the program to reflect and provide valuable insight into management practices as they apply to many different areas of businesses. As such, upon successful completion of this program, the students will be able to,
Demonstrate substantive level of knowledge and understanding in the area of business management
Demonstrate the awareness of the current developments in the management skills required to become an effective leader
Deal with complex business management issues in a systematic manner and make sound judgments
Leverage the business opportunities in the global environment to create a sustainable competitive advantage to the organizations

The Ruhuna MBM program is structured as taught master's qualification to impart knowledge and improve the skills in the area of business management to deal with business management issues effectively and leverage business opportunities in the global competitive economy.

Graduate Profile

The graduate profile describes knowledge, skills, and attitudes, which Ruhuna MBM intends its graduates will develop through their study so that they will become more effective managers/resource allocators in the future. We expect Our graduates to demonstrate attached qualities so that they become better equipped to deal with challenges of the 21st century.